More Suffering Leaderboard Update!!

 The other day, me and, basically all my friends were playing "More Suffering".

It's safe to say they took quite the liking to the game; playing it way more than I expected most people would.

As a result of this, they became extortionally good at the game; being able to beat it in a matter of seconds. In fact, one of them managed to beat the game in only three jumps.

So in an attempt to increase replay-ability and create a sense of community surrounding the game, I have added a leaderboard!

After the credits sequence, you will be told how long it took you to beat the game and prompted to either exit to the main menu, or input a username and submit your time to the leaderboard.

After I fix a spelling mistake in the credits, the game should be entirely done. (Less I decide the game could use more content.) Thank you for sticking around.

