Dynamic gameplay update!

This is a relatively small update that aims to make the game more immersive and dynamic and is also the tenth major update for the game!


  • Wandering trader AI has been greatly improved

-Wandering traders will now get hungry and will search for food

-If their hunger level reaches zero, they will die and you can loot their body (So if you wanted to, for example, you could follow a wandering trader around, eating all the food it comes across until it starves to death and then loot their body)

  • A stock system has been added

-Each store has a limited amount of stock

-Stealing or buying from them will lower their stock

-Selling to them will raise their stock

-Stock depletes throughout the day as NPCs buy from them

-Stock is refiled at the start of each day

-You are unable to buy/steal from a store which has run out of stock


  • Fixed bug where dogs could walk through player-made walls
  • Fixed bug where playing the tutorial after a run would cause player stats to carry over

Thanks for playing 7 Days to Escape!

