Alpha 1 releases in 2 weeks!

 So this is pretty big.

As the title suggests, the 7 Days to Escape alpha will release in 2 weeks. Though I think we should establish what will be in this alpha. This is of course the first public build of the game, so expect bugs and bare bones gameplay.

  • Drugs and murder will not be present in this version
  • World settings will not yet be available. (high priority)
  • Reputation is very basic
  • Performance will be garbage

The reason I've decide to release it in such an bare bones state is to get feedback as fast as I can, using that to improve on the game insted of blindly adding whatever I think sounds cool to the game with no knowledge of whether people will actually enjoy it.

Murder and fighting is very high priority, though is a very hard feature to add. While it will greatly improve the game, it's going to take a very long time to add. For that reason those features will not be present in this alpha.

The game will release on 24/02/24 and the discord server will open on February 23rd.

