Lets talk about multiplayer in 7 Days to Escape

 Multiplayer is something that shall hopefully one day come to 7 Days to Escape. So why don't we talk about...

  • ​How?
  • ​When?
  • ​Why?

Lets begin shall we?

So in what form shall multiplayer come in is a question I have been asking myself for a while now. I am contested between these three options:

  • Split screen
  • ​Public severs
  • ​Private severs

​In some form, all these options will be available in the final release. I just need to decide on which one to add ​first.

​At the earliest, by the very end of alpha I hope for split screen to be present in the game. But that is a bit of an unrealistic expectation, as alpha is going to be used for getting as much feedback as possible and quickly iterating on the game. Multiplayer would just get in the way of that. I would like to have a compelling single player experience before I create a good multiplayer one.

Public severs sound fun. 

In terms of gameplay, they would be more PVP focussed insted of the regular co-op experience. Though its an extremally complex feature to program and one I'm not the most fond of. Its a feature that shall probably come after release.

Private severs are something I might be able to do.

In private servers, you would be able to invite your Steam friends into a lobby to play together. Its a simple system to program and I could probably make it.

I want to state that the latter two multiplayer options will use Steam works services therefore, you will have to have a Steam account in order to use them.


